Allegan Township

Allegan County, Michigan

For Tax Questions contact:

3037 118th Ave. Allegan, MI 49010

Phone: (269)673-5051






Welcome to Allegan Township!

Allegan Township Hall

 3037 118th Avenue Allegan, 

Michigan   49010

Our goal is to provide you with easy, convenient access to information regarding the processes of your local government and usages of its services.

Office Phone: 269-673-5051

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday - 9am - 1 pm

Township Officials

Steve Schulz, Supervisor/Zoning Administrator

Michelle Waite, Clerk

Laree Waanders, Treasurer

Jim Connell, Trustee

Heather Knight, Trustee

Heather Mitchell, Assessor

Mission Statement


Allegan Township strives to represent its residents by listening to and meeting their present needs in an effective and timely manner; maintain current infrastructure and promote responsible growth through collaborative regional relationships; and work toward being fiscally responsible for the well-being of this Township and its future generations.

         Opportunity to Serve Your Township        
Allegan Township is looking for any interested residents, ages 18 and older, male or female, and registered to vote, who would be willing to serve in the following positions:
* Board of Appeals
* Planning Commission
* Board of Review
Board of Appeals is a five member Board meeting on the second Monday of every even month.  This Board must hear and decide on appeals which deviate from the Township's Zoning ordinance.  Its authority can include site plan review, appeal of planned unit development and special land use decisions.  It may also grant variances.
Planning Commission is made up of seven members meeting on the second Monday of every odd month.  Their main function is to provide reasonable restrictions on land use that conform to a comprehensive township development plan and provide for the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of township citizens and property owners.  This includes keeping the Township Master Plan up-to-date and granting of special use and rezoning requests.
Board of Review is a three member Board.   These members must also be land owners and tax payers.  The Board meets for a half day in both July and December to go over clerical errors and omissions from the tax bills, found by the taxpayers themselves.  In March they meet for three or four days to go over the assessment notice concerns that residents have.
If you have any interest in any of these committees or have further questions regarding them, do not hesitate to contact Supervisor Steve Schulz at 673-5051.  If you would like to also submit a letter letting us know of your interest, we will contact you when an opening arises.

For Tax Questions contact:

3037 118th Ave. Allegan, MI 49010

Phone: (269)673-5051

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